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GalaChain Boxes & Item Swap

Token Metadata

<aside> ✅ GalaChain Boxes & Item Swap allow users to set up Mystery Boxes or Item Exchange Set up on GalaChain using the newer opening experience. Opening experience can be customized.


<aside> 🔗 url:


Below you have the description and explanation of each field and in this link the Step by step

- Title

Internal name of the Exchange

- Cost

Burn Tokens: user will exchange one item for 1 or more items. Only users who own the “Exchange Cost Tokens” can exchange it/them for the reward

Redemption Code: user needs a code to redeem rewards at

a. Exchange Cost Tokens

Select the tokens that the user must burn in order to earn a reward pack. In case this option is selected, you’ll have to create a NFT on GalaChain to serve as the Box on Token Metadata. The opening video can be customized by editing the metadata of the Box Mystery Box Custom Opening UX Requirements

b. Exchange Redemption Code

Input the code that users need to use for redemption. Any users who have the code will be able to redeem the rewards. This option skips the need of burning an Token and send the users directly to the opening experience.

In case of unique code, generate the unique codes in a .csv file and request eng support.

- Exchange Reward Tokens

Select all rewards users will get. The order and combinations are not defined here. Only 3 items will be displayed in the opening experience, the remaining items will be added to user’s inventory after the box is opened. Rewards added as “Simple Entry” should be tokens already create on Token Metadata and approved on Slack. Rewards added as “Advanced Entry” need Metadata information. Follow the template for the Advance entries of:

If the token does not pass the validation, you can try the token name: eg: “Common Ground World Node v2”

- Rewards Pack

<aside> ⚠️ important: You should never update the content and or .csv file after a sale has happened. If you need to update the Box content, a new Burn token (Token Metadata) and a new listing needs to be created on GalaChain Boxes & Item Swap. If you want to keep the same Brun Token, you’ll need eng support. The previous sales will keep the former content odds.


Submit a .cvs following the format:


“Reward Pack ID” is the combination ID; ”Reward” is the name of the Token (needs to match its metadata)

Fill out the .csv with the COMPLETE TOKEN ID to avoid any problems, eg ChampionsArena|Champion|Aide|Epic

Download the template:


- Rewards with more than 3 items

Submit a .csv with more than 3 items on Reward Pack ID, you’ll need to request support from Eng to establish which items will be displayed. It’s highly recommended to submit a .csv with only 3 items.

- Customizing the Open Reveal

Mystery Box Custom Opening UX Requirements

Mystery Box Custom Opening UX Requirements