<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/3496c3a5-7276-459e-aba2-d08d2e8579dd/b7c76f30-330f-4a96-b1bd-4d948cf0e992/5230364.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/3496c3a5-7276-459e-aba2-d08d2e8579dd/b7c76f30-330f-4a96-b1bd-4d948cf0e992/5230364.png" width="40px" /> The Store Listing Assets is managed on Game . A strong Store Listing equals more downloads. Also check ‣


<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/3496c3a5-7276-459e-aba2-d08d2e8579dd/0e437a6d-4cd8-424a-bfd0-165ccbc56734/1384060.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/3496c3a5-7276-459e-aba2-d08d2e8579dd/0e437a6d-4cd8-424a-bfd0-165ccbc56734/1384060.png" width="40px" /> Ensure the Cinematic and Gameplay videos are also uploaded on Youtube and tag that the video is about a specific game by selecting the "Gaming" category and adding the title in the video's advanced settings. Support Link


Game Assets for Store Listing

Asset Quantity Description Resolution Length Max Size
(a) High Quality Cinematic Trailer 1 A cinematic trailer is a professionally produced video that highlights the game's storyline, characters, and key features. Can create anticipation and excitement around the game. 1920x1080 1 - 2 min 50mb
(b) High Quality Gameplay Video 1 This video showcases actual gameplay from the game. It helps users understand what the game is like to play, it’s mechanics, style and graphics. 1920x1080 0.5 - 1 min 50mb
(c) High-Resolution Gameplay and art Screenshots 5 Screenshots provide users with a visual preview of the game, showcasing different in-game moments and key features. At least 2 have to be gameplay screenshots. They will be displayed in the games detail page in a carousel 1000x563
(d) High-Resolution Promotional Artwork 1 This is a key image that represents the game. It's used as the game's cover art and in promotional materials. It should be visually striking and give users a sense of what the game is about. 1000x563
(e) Game Page Background Image 1 The background image for the game page. Should generally be heavily faded at the top and bottom. 2000x1200
(f) Game Page Header Image 1 The header image for the game page. 400x87
(g) Title Image 1 This image appears on https://app.gala.games/games 547x300
(h) Game Card Carousel 1 This image appears on https://app.gala.games/ 281x367
(i) About Us Image 1 600x900


(a) High Quality Cinematic Trailer 1920x1080


(c) High-Resolution Gameplay and Art Screenshots (Game Details Page Carousel) 1000x563

screen_3840x2160_2023-11-02_22-04-54 (1).png

3840x2160_2023-11-01_theater (1).png

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(d) High-Resolution Promotional Artwork 1000x563


(e) Game Page Background Image 2000x1200
